>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> writes:
    >> Can you tell us where each piece went?  It did include an audio
    >> bridge... i.e. Paul's laptop was emitting audio and the room mic
    >> was picking it up, right?

    Joel> When I left the room the sip ata in the room was dialed into a
    Joel> webex conference call, the digital innkeeper was connected to
    Joel> the sip ata and both a line input (from caller) and mix out
    Joel> (to caller) on the mixer at the front of the room. paul's mac
    Joel> was running the webex session. The windows box was being used
    Joel> to present.

I see, so the slides were being pushed through webex to the screen.
The audio however was being spliced right into room PA and into the mp3
encoder?  So no ATM bridge was involved?

How come we could hear the echo of his voice in the room then...

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
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