David, thank you for reviewing our draft.  Your suggestions were helpful.

It was a pleasure talking with you on the phone.  I'm glad we had a chance to 
discuss the points you raised.

We addressed all the issues you raised in the next draft, draft 18.


On Mar 29, 2010, at 6:43 PM, <black_da...@emc.com> <black_da...@emc.com> wrote:

> I have performed an Operations Directorate review of
>  draft-zimmermann-avt-zrtp-17
> Operations directorate reviews are solicited primarily to help the area 
> directors improve their efficiency, particularly when preparing for IESG 
> telechats, and allowing them to focus on documents requiring their attention 
> and spend less time on the trouble-free ones.  Improving the documents is 
> important, but clearly a secondary purpose.  A third purpose is to broaden 
> the OpsDir reviewers' exposure to work going on in other parts of the IETF.
> Reviews from OpsDir members do not in and of themselves cause the IESG to 
> raise issue with a document. The reviews may, however, convince individual 
> IESG members to raise concern over a particular document
> requiring further discussion. The reviews, particularly those conducted in 
> last call and earlier, may also help the document editors improve their 
> documents.
> --------------
> This draft specifies a proposed protocol for keying SRTP.  It is being 
> published as an Informational RFC because the IETF chose a different proposal 
> (draft-ietf-avt-dtls-srtp) to publish as Proposed Standard.  If this draft 
> had been proposed for standards track publication, I would have characterized 
> the automated system concern and the inability to backup secrets as open 
> issues that merited discussion in the draft - both are tagged with [*].  As 
> this draft will be published as informational, a lower standard of review may 
> apply, and I leave it to the authors' judgment as to what changes should be 
> made.
> The operational aspects of the protocol are reasonably good - the protocol 
> goes to a significant effort to avoid having to pre-provision and maintain 
> authentication material by using an ephemeral DH exchange that is run from 
> scratch on the first call between a pair of participants.  The protocol also 
> adapts an SSH-like "leap of faith" model to protect subsequent interactions 
> among the same parties.  By itself, an unauthenticated DH exchange can easily 
> be subverted by a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack - the protocol defends 
> against this by generating an identification of the protocol run (SAS) at 
> each end that can then be compared by the participants reading the SAS to 
> each other.  A successful MiTM attack will cause different SAS identifiers to 
> be generated at the two call endpoints.
> [*] The draft asserts that it is very difficult for an MiTM attacker to 
> change the SAS on the fly in audio.  There is an obvious exception to this 
> difficulty - if one of the parties on the call is an automated system, its 
> voice response reading the secret is likely to have a predictable structure, 
> and its vocalizations are likely to be easily recordable and/or otherwise 
> forgeable by an MiTM.  This should be noted in the security considerations 
> section after the paragraph on voice spoofing at the bottom of p.99, with a 
> strong recommendation that credentials be provisioned at the automated system 
> sufficient to use either the 7.2 signature technique or 8.1.1 integrity 
> protection technique, and that those techniques always be used with 
> pre-recorded or synthesized voice.
> If the first call between two parties does not include voice confirmation of 
> the SAS that instance of the protocol is MiTM-able.  The Introduction glosses 
> over this by using the phrases "reasonable authentication against a MiTM 
> attack" and "key continuity properties analogous to SSH".  While I believe 
> both phrases are correct, the Introduction should also point out that the 
> first call with no prior shared key material is MiTM-able, as is the case for 
> SSH, as not every reader of this draft can be expected to be familiar with 
> that aspect of SSH security.
> [*] Unlike SSH, ZRTP updates the shared secret used to block MiTM attacks on 
> every call.  This makes it impossible to backup and restore that secret 
> because the backup becomes invalid on next use of the secret.  If a phone has 
> to be hard reset (not unheard-of), it loses all of its secrets unless a 
> backup is conducted immediately prior to the hard reset (not always possible 
> as the failure requiring a hard reset may block backup).  This should to be 
> pointed out as a counterpoint in the Security Considerations discussion of 
> the requirements for protecting long-lived non-updated shared secrets, as 
> used by SSH.
> This ongoing shared secret update may increase the protocol's practical 
> vulnerability to MiTM attacks because the participants cannot distinguish 
> presence of an MiTM attacker from one party having lost its secret (or even 
> the most recent update to the secret - a soft reset of the phone at exactly 
> the wrong moment may cause this).  If the parties assume that the most common 
> reason for setup failure is that a secret has been lost, an MiTM attacker 
> inserts can mimic that by inserting herself in a call, thereby causing both 
> sides to believe that the secret has been lost.  She then attacks the 
> resulting initial run of the protocol - if voice confirmation of the secret 
> is not used on that run, the attack succeeds.  Because this attack can be run 
> at the time of the attacker's choosing, it is absolutely essential that the 
> SAS's be confirmed by voice in this situation.  This is well described in the 
> body of the draft, with appropriate use of MUST, but the following text in 
> the Secur
 ity Considerations section is too weak (IMHO), even though it uses the word 
>   The user agent that discovers the cache mismatch must alert the user
>   that a cache mismatch has been detected, and that he must do a verbal
>   comparison of the SAS to distinguish if the mismatch is because of a
>   MiTM attack or because of the other party losing her cache. 
> I would like to see a discussion of this attack added to punctuate a direct 
> warning that voice confirmation is essential in this situation.
> Thanks,
> --David
> ----------------------------------------------------
> David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
> EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
> +1 (508) 293-7953             FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786
> black_da...@emc.com        Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754
> ----------------------------------------------------

Philip R Zimmermann    p...@mit.edu
(spelled with 2 n's)   http://philzimmermann.com
tel +1 831 425-7524    http://zfone.com

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