On May 10, 2010, at 8:58 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

> The nature of that price -- besides the pain of this discussion -- is going 
> to be retroactive enfranchisement or disenfranchisement of some attendees.  
> Either way, that's pretty egregious. But since Day Passes have been handled 
> pretty transparently, all along, it does appear to be an error we all share.

Given that day passes have not been in existence long, it is more likely that 
the change would cause undue disenfranchisement than no change would cause 
undue enfranchisement.

If the new policy were to state the change does not go into effect until after 
this summer's NOMCOM's selection, there the undue 
disenfranchisement/enfranchisement issues would be minimized.

-- Kurt
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