At 12:24 PM -0400 6/24/10, Cyrus Daboo wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>--On June 24, 2010 8:59:18 AM -0700 Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
>>As someone who normally has that "different view", I support a new RRTYPE
>>in this case because the option of reusing SRV is not sufficient: it
>>requires DNS-SRV-followed-by-HTTP. I think a new RRTYPE that keeps the
>>DNS lookup entirely in the DNS protocol far outweighs reusing SRV but
>>requiring HTTP on both sides.
>"in this case" as in the draft under discussion? If so, I don't don't 
>understand your position. The protocols/services being referenced by the draft 
>are HTTP protocols, so it is always going to be SRV-followed-by-HTTP. What is 
>more, simply getting a generic host/path is not sufficient for client 
>configuration - additional steps are required to find the principal resource 
>of the user for whom the client is setting up an "account" (as described in 
>the draft).

Sorry, I wasn't clear. My "in this case" was "how does the IETF want to handle 
the case of getting a resource from the DNS", not the CalDAV/CardDAV case. It 
may be fine that the CalDAV/CardDAV API include HTTP, but I would hope that the 
IETF could settle on one DNS-specific method that all apps could use.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
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