On 7/9/2010 5:15 AM, Hannes Tschenig wrote:

WHAT specifically does "Openness and Transparency" mean - not in
nebulous namby pamby terms but specific sets of "use rules and their
oversight" - what exactly does this mean?
>> as far as i know
>>   o data collection has been done very rarely.  and when it has been, it
>>     has been widely announced.
> Openness and transparency is one of the privacy principles. 
> (but there are others...)
>>   o there is no plan known by the net ops to do so in maastricht or
>>     beijing at either of those meetings.
> I don't know. There is no central place where I could lookup any of this 
> info. 
>>   o aside from issues in the wireless deployment, the data about net use
>>     at ietf meeings seems pretty boring to me from a research view
> Maybe boring for you. 
> Some consider it a very large WLAN network, some others test their favorite 
> tunneling technology with it, etc.  
>>   o but i am sure there are wifi spies snooping and playing.  and i
>>     suspect that they will not be very respectful of any policy put in
>>     place.
> You have to see all privacy principles in combination in order for them to 
> make sense. 
>> given the latter, i focus more on prudent personal net hygene and less
>> on prose.
> That's fine. 
> Ciao
> Hannes
>> randy
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