On 7/21/2010 8:07 PM, Martin Rex wrote:
> todd glassey wrote:
>>  On 7/21/2010 1:02 PM, Dan Schutzer wrote:
>>> Can you briefly explain the relationship of Red Light Camera's to
>> What that means is any and all DNSSEC records operated out of a Root or
>> lower level system in the state of California who would operate under
>> these rules will need to meet the "legal definitions of trustworthy"
>> which are much different that those here I am betting.
> DNSSEC ist trust-free.
> As I previously said in this forum(*)
>   Anyone who thinks that information in the DNS could be trusted 
>   is either using a funny definition of trust or has no clue how 
>   DNS is actually used and what kind of data it contains (and 
>   how that data is created and maintained). 
> Any discussion about new legal liabilities for information conveyed
> by DNSSEC will likely impede the further adoption of DNSSEC.
> -Martin
> (*) 
> https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=50326&tid=1279767429
Martin - since SAP's business is legally enforceable commerce are you
saying that there is no legal requirement for DNSSEC to return provable
content and if so where is the liability for it?

Todd Glassey

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