On 8/6/10 9:48 AM, David Conrad wrote:
> Hi,
> On Aug 6, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Ed Juskevicius wrote:
>> IEEE802 uses formal voting (during its meetings) to determine issues and to 
>> accept proposals (or motions) to add or delete text from documents that are 
>> being developed.
>> ...
>> The IETF WG process is very different from IEEE802, and that (for me) is 
>> reason enough to suggest that a system built for the IEEE802 may not be 
>> appropriate for IETF.  There are lots of other reasons too ...
> OK, but the fact that our processes are different doesn't necessarily mean 
> moving to online tools is a bad idea, right?
> Off the top of my head, I can see a couple of positives:
> - Online tools would allow folks who are participating remotely to indicate 
> 'presence' at a working group meeting.

Depending on the popularity of your working group and the extent to
which the meeting itself is timeshifted from the vantage point of the
bulk of the remote participants, as much as 10% of of the partficipants
might be remote, generally less, almost never more.

> - Simplify the administrative burden of collecting and keeping the blue sheets
> - Allow for easier analysis of working group attendance
> And negatives:
> - Allow for easier analysis of working group attendance
> - Requires somebody to develop/maintain the tools
> - Requires everyone have some device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc) that 
> allows them to access the online tools (how does IEEE get around this?)
> - Might not meet the requirements (e.g., legal) the blue sheet currently fill

we have the rfid experiment as one example of an attendance
intrumentation exercise. I'm generally in favor of experimenting I think
it tells us as much about our current process as it does any change we
might be contemplating...

> I'm on the fence...
> Regards,
> -drc
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