>>>>> "Michael" == Michael StJohns <mstjo...@comcast.net> writes:
    Michael> What I'm looking for in a meeting location is a venue with
    Michael> both formal and informal meeting spaces where I stand a
    Michael> good chance of having a good technical discussion with
    Michael> random people at pretty much any time of the day or night -
    Michael> that's my view of what has contributed to the IETF's
    Michael> success over the years. (Although the marathon session for
    Michael> the first draft of the Host Requirements document was
    Michael> probably stretching it) That generally means a central
    Michael> large hotel with attached conference space with access to
    Michael> non-hotel food and drink in close proximity.


The hotel bars in:
    - Minneapolis
    - Chicago (sorta)
    - DC (all three meetings)
    - Atlanta
    - Vancouver
    - Memphis
    - San Francisco (2004)

were very good for this.

The lack of clear canonical bars in:
    - Vienna
    - Montreal (both times)
    - Phildelphia (I think)

were problems.  I reserve judgement on Prague (smoke), and on Pittsburgh
and Dallas, because I can't recall.  The rest I either wasn't there, or
I simply can't recall.

    Michael> With respect to tourism, at different times in my career,
    Michael> I've had different interests in the IETF.  Currently, I'm
    Michael> down to only a few WGs that I follow and as of the last
    Michael> meeting, none that I'm currently contributing to.
    Michael> Considering that I'm now consulting as my main activity and
    Michael> paying for this on my own dime, I expect that my ratio of
    Michael> tourism to attendance will be somewhat skewed towards
    Michael> tourism, but wouldn't expect the IETF to cater to that.  My
    Michael> prime interest is still technical interaction and
    Michael> discussion.

+1 on all points here.

    Michael> I don't know how to categorize Maastricht vs Minneapolis
    Michael> except to say that air connectivity is better to
    Michael> Minneapolis and the meeting venue has more of what I'm
    Michael> looking for in an IETF setup - and I can't see any way to
    Michael> indicate that on your survey.

I also have no problem with Minneapolis, and I really do want to take
the train there... 

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
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