There is probably a better place to complain about this, but...

There are various IETF "tools" web pages.  But I have a devil of a time using 
them because they do not identify themselves usefully when asking for a login.  
There are multiple login databases in the whole IETF tools suite, and 
experienced users know which database controls access to which tool.  But for 
us unwashed masses, there is no way to guess which web pages demand which 
password because they are named inconsistently.

Let me propose:

* Each password database has a *single* name which is the only name that it is 
ever referred to by, such as "IETF tools login" and "IETF datatracker login".

* Each login prompt gives the *single* name of the password database that it is 
driven by.

Otherwise we get such messes as "" demanding an IETF tools 
login -- not IETF datatracker login -- and its login prompt identifying the 
realm only as "IETF".  Which is pretty useless to the uninitiated, since 
"track", "tools", and "IETF" are all present.

(I'm continuously amused by the fact that a roomful of computer geeks, who 
spend their days making unambiguous descriptions of operations to computers are 
unable to make an unambiguous description of an operation to humans.)

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