On Sep 10, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Cyrus Daboo wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> --On September 10, 2010 10:09:11 AM -0400 Keith Moore <mo...@cs.utk.edu> 
> wrote:
>>> That is precisely the goal of draft-daboo-et-al-icalendar-in-xml.
>>> iCalendar components, properties, parameters and values all map to XML
>>> in a consistent manner with no need to "special case" based on type or
>>> value.
>> But you're not doing that in the draft.  You explicitly list every
>> keyword.  Every time a new component, property, parameter, etc is added
>> to iCalendar, the mapping code will have to change also.  The trick is to
>> be able to translate between formats, with no changes to the code needed
>> even when the format is extended.
> Fair enough. We can adjust e.g. Section 3.7 that talks about only X- 
> extensions to also refer to any new iCalendar data objects. The basic premise 
> being that new iCalendar data object names map directly to an XML element 
> name. After each table in the previous sections we can add a reference to 
> section 3.7 with a statement that that is how new items will be handled.

That would help.  But why do you need specific rules for any of the iCalendar 
data object names?  I can understand one or two exceptional cases, but if the 
mapping you have is truly adaptable, it shouldn't need many of those rules.


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