in another time and place, we invented killfiles because this class of 
discussion proves so counter-productive, its better not to see it.

I posit that IETF venue discussions map 1:1 onto godwins law.

I suggest that we separate consensus over standards from IETF process over 
venues, and let the IAOC decide on our behalf, flaws and all, where, and when 
we meet. If we are able to give input to the IAOC, I am more than content for 
that to happen OFF LIST. We devolve these decisions to others because over 
time, its proven more workable than mass-consensus.

My impression of what some people seem to want, is that their personal 
constraint-set be applied globally. I've never found that to be a good social 
principle. While it means excluding some participation, I think that in a 
meeting cycle like ours, with the issues ours faces, that was always going to 
happen. So, rather than take one, or five, or ten, noisy and rebarbative 
people's drive to flood mailing lists with noise, I suggest we accept the 
consequences of devolving decisions to smaller sets of people, like the IAOC.

The best we can hope for, is that the pain is shared around.  With over 1000 
participants, it is likely that some peoples constraint set will take them out 
of attendance EVER. Again, while not desirable, its provably already happened. 
Why this is conflated into a general failure, rather than a very sad, but 
unavoidable necessary single-point failure I do not understand. 

I might add that if the excluded party feels this is oppressive, I am sorry. It 
is not intended to be. But, at some level, sooner or later, you have to be 
willing to say "I'm the problem here, not the remaining 999 people who have 
lesser constraints"

We do this all the time, when we elect local officials, at all levels of 
government. We accept the consequences of a disjoin between what WE want, and 
what THEY can achieve.

"its not fair" is really really bad, when its one or two voices against the 
wider community interest. "its not fair, but I accept its going to exclude me" 
is far better.

BTW, I am already aware I am functionally excluded from many things. IETF 
unscheduled WG meetings for instance. I do not flood this, or other WG 
complaining. I accept the inevitable.

Please, please, can we stop feeding this pernicious troll-subject.

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