* Noel Chiappa:

> I actually vaguely recall discussions about the TOS field (including
> how many bits to give to each sub-field), but I can't recall very
> much of the content of the discussions. If anyone cares, some of the
> IENs which document the early meetings might say more.

See RFC 760, which seems remarkably up-to-date:

    A few networks offer a Stream service, whereby one can achieve a
    smoother service at some cost.

Admittedly, this sentence did not make it into RFC 791.

(Except that my guess what network non-neutrality is really about is
quite different: usage caps exceptions for content where the content
hoster and the ISP have reached an ad-sharing deal.  QoS rarely works
in practice because no two organizations or departments can agree on a
common set of parameters.)

Florian Weimer                <fwei...@bfk.de>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH       http://www.bfk.de/
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