Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the review.
> Is there a way to present this information more compactly?  I suggest 
> a table with routing protocol on one axis, crypto suite on another, 
> and requirement status in the elements (perhaps with a cite 
> to the doc 
> that sets the requirement).  You might separely say "MANDATORY to 
> implement, OPTIONAL to use, NOT SUGGESTED for use".

This is precisely what we were doing till the OPSEC WG members asked us to 
change the format to the current one.

> You could also put suggestions and speculation about the 
> future in the 
> same table, though you may need to define some terms.  And it 

We were using extended 2119 terms like SHOULD+, MUST- and MAY+ originally and 
these were again removed because of the strong consensus in the WG in favor of 
the current text.

> needs to 
> be clear when this doc diverges from past ones or makes a new 
> statement.  I have not gone back through the previous docs to confirm 
> that this doc isn't changing anything.
> I see a whole bunch of lower case "may" and "should", and I'm 
> wondering what to make of them.
> In describing each routing protocol's authentication options, 
> it would 
> be helpful to say whether there's any in-band negotiation available. 

I am not sure I understand whats being meant by in-band negotiation here?

> If so, more needs to be said about that in the security 
> considerations.  If not, it should be documented here.
> I don't need to hear three or four separate times that cleartext 
> passwords are bad.

Just making sure that folks don't miss this! :)

> Minor: remove citations from the abstract (per rfc editor policy).

Sure, will do.

Cheers, Manav

> -- Sam
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