On 22 Sep 2010, at 19:48, Tony Finch wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> Possibly. It's worth noting that format-flowed, for instance, is well
>> supported
> .... with the notable exception of Outlook. Apple's MUAs have stopped using
> format=flowed and now use really long lines instead, because that give
> better interop with the market leader. This is rather sad.

It is very sad.  So I wasn't mistaken - Apple Mail used to do the right thing, 
and now no longer does. Please file bug reports at 
http://bugreporter.apple.com/ .  With enough "Duplicates" it's possible Apple 
will listen to reason, but ...  Meantime I'll have to post to netnews using a 
newsreader in order to avoid being flamed to death by users of readers which 
decode the QP-encoding but then don't wrap the long lines, or don't do MIME.

Just out of curiosity, where did you get confirmation that Apple Mail behaves 
the way it does for the reason it does?

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