Brian E Carpenter wrote:

> Another +1 from me.

> And with respect to the alleged mistake made 15 years ago, two facts
> may help:

You are saying it's not post-mortem but vivisection. OK.

> 2. There is, mathematically and logically, no 'backwards compatible'
> IP with bigger addresses than IPv4.

Your statement is unfounded.

Port restricted IP is the mathematical and logical IP with bigger
*APPLICATION* address than IPv4 with full backward compatibility.

> So the issue of interworking between legacy
> IPv4-only systems and the world of bigger addresses is an
> unavoidable fact of the physical universe.

As the address space for transport and application layers is
address+protocol+port, the space is identical with both IPv4 and
port restricted IPv4. Thus, iterworking between IPv4 and PR-IPv4
just works.

> Which is why BEHAVE is currently doing NAT64.

With the existence of PR-IPv4, IPv6 including NAT64 is denied,
mathematically and logically.

                                                Masataka Ohta
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