exec summary, but comments inline: I am in favour of two maturity levels.

>>>>> "James" == James M Polk <jmp...@cisco.com> writes:
    James> At 09:44 PM 10/25/2010, John Levine wrote:
    >> >I am happy to agree to what the draft currently says. We've sliced
    >> >and diced this many times over the years, and this seems very close to 
    >> >least-unpopular view. That's the best we can hope for, imho.

    James> I'm not in love with the 3 maturity levels, especially when I was 
asked by an
    James> AD during Maastricht to provide proof of 2 independent 
implementations just
    James> to have an ID I was presenting be considered to become a WG
    James> item.

But, that's just wrong, regardless of 2 or 3 maturity levels.
This AD has just created a 5 maturity level system! (ID without interop,
ID with interop, PS, DS, FS).   Do they really know what they asked for?
This is perhaps the fundamental problem.

    James> That bar is just WAY too high.

    James> That said, I think the only part I'm concerned about with your 
proposal is
    James> allowing Internet Standards to reference Proposed Standards. Given 
that they
    James> can change so much - or more likely - they can have parts of them 
that just
    James> aren't ever implemented, but still have one or more of these 
    James> parts that is a critical to the Internet Standard.

    James> I guess if this clears the logjam of all the other issues, I'm 
willing to
    James> agree to this.

I agree with you, but I think we can work this out.

I am in favour of two maturity levels.

(see I can top-post and inline post at the same time!)
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