On 17 Nov 2010, at 11:32 PM, Pekka Savola wrote:

I have mostly heard and seen DNS-SD used in conjunction with mDNS. I do not know how much it has been used with regular DNS. Issues like DNS updates
that have only received superficial attention in this document will be
present there. I'd be interested in hearing how much this is used with
regular DNS and how information is in practise stored there (manual
insertion vs dynamic updates).

Many millions of Apple customers have been using DNS-SD with regular unicast DNS for since 2007. We have added this to the document:

   While the original focus of Multicast DNS and DNS-Based Service
   Discovery was for Zero Configuration environments without a
   conventional unicast DNS server, DNS-Based Service Discovery also
works using unicast DNS servers, using DNS Update [RFC2136] to create service discovery records and standard DNS queries to query for them.
   Apple's Back to My Mac service, launched with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
   in October 2007, uses DNS-Based Service Discovery over unicast DNS.

   Also, there is quite a bit of text that's not specific to DNS-SD
protocol, but rather how e.g. an app developer should use it. It's not obvious how that should be part of the main spec. I wonder if these could be split off to a be under a single section for clarity (e.g. most of S 8, S 15).

The entire document is talking about how an app developer should use it. "It" in this context is the domain name system. DNS-SD is not a protocol in itself. It's a usage convention for DNS records. The entire document is telling server developers what DNS records we recommend they use to describe their service, and telling client developers what DNS records we recommend they query for to discover those advertised services. It describes what app developers should pick for Instance names and Service names. It describes what data app developers should put into TXT records. If we took out all the text directed at app developers there would be virtually nothing left. They are the audience for this document.

                     In cases where the DNS server returns a negative
   response for the name in question, client software MAY choose to
retry the query using "Punycode" [RFC 3492] encoding, beginning with
   using Punycode encoding for the top level label, and then issuing
   the query repeatedly, with successively more labels converted to
   Punycode each time, and giving up if it has converted all labels
   to Punycode and the query still fails.

.. would this "retry with punycode, expanding each label at a time" result in a typical case in at least 3 additional lookups in the case of missing

Since clients only look up services they have discovered via PTR queries, discovering nonexistent services would be a rare error resulting from some bad misconfiguration.

.. it appears to me that you should provide a more precise specification
isntead of 'a negative response'.

We use 'negative response' in the usual DNS sense to mean NXDOMAIN or no-error-no-answer.

               Every DNS-SD service MUST
have a TXT record in addition to its SRV record, with the same name,
   even if the service has no additional data to store and the TXT
   record contains no more than a single zero byte.

... why? what happens if this is not the case? will the client protocol break down and fall to pieces? IMHO, there should be a strong operational and/or service publication recommendation to publish TXT records, but on _client_ side, this kind of mandate flies against the robustness principle.

We have added this to the document:

   DNS-SD clients SHOULD treat the following as equivalent:

    o A TXT record containing a single zero byte.
      (i.e. a single empty string.)

    o An empty (zero-length) TXT record
      (This is not strictly legal, but should one be received it should
      be interpreted as the same as a single empty string.)

    o No TXT record.
      (i.e. an NXDOMAIN or no-error-no-answer response.)

   The <Service> portion of a Service Instance Name consists of a pair
   of DNS labels, following the convention already established for
   SRV records [RFC 2782], namely: the first label of the pair is an
   underscore character followed by the Application Protocol Name, and
   the second label is either "_tcp" or "_udp".

For applications using other transport protocols, such as SCTP, DCCP,
   Adobe's RTMFP, etc., the second label of <Service> portion of its
   DNS-SD name should be "_udp".

... this might be inappropriate overloading of UDP.  The referred spec
says any protocol is valid:

        The symbolic name of the desired protocol, with an underscore
        (_) prepended to prevent collisions with DNS labels that occur
in nature. _TCP and _UDP are at present the most useful values
        for this field, though any name defined by Assigned Numbers or
        locally may be used (as for Service).  The Proto is case

... but I suppose changing this from UDP is a non-starter for
background-compatibility perspective. If so, I suggest documenting this as a backward-compat solution rather than construing as if the referred spec
required this.

We have added this to the document:

   Note that this usage of the "_udp" label for all protocols
other than TCP applies only to DNS-SD names following the conventions
   established by this document. Other specifications using SRV records
   may specify other naming conventions.

In S 8:

   To help guard against this, when there are two or more network
   protocols which perform roughly the same logical function, one of
   the protocols is declared the "flagship" of the fleet of related
   protocols. Typically the flagship protocol is the oldest and/or
   best-known protocol of the set.

.. who makes this flagship declaration? The next paragraph appears to imply that it must be done when registering DNS-SD profiles with IANA (in the
future). In which case IANA guidance would be needed. I may be
misunderstanding something.

We have added this to the document:

   When IANA records an application protocol name registration, if the
new application protocol is one that conceptually duplicates existing
   functionality of an older protocol, and the implementers desire the
   Flagship Naming behavior described in Section 8, then the registrant
   should request IANA to note the name of the flagship protocol in the
"notes" field of the new registration. For example, the registrations
   for "ipp" and "pdl-datastream" both reference "printer" as the
   flagship protocol name for this collection of printing-related

17. Security Considerations

   DNSSEC [RFC 2535] should be used where the authenticity of
   information is important. Since DNS-SD is just a naming and usage
convention for records in the existing DNS system, it has no specific
   additional security requirements over and above those that already
   apply to DNS queries and DNS updates.

.. this is a bit weak. There's more stuff to put in DNS updates. See the
referred sec-dir review from two years ago.  The text is unchanged.

The sec-dir review said "I find this inadequate" and "this document seems to need more work". Can you suggest some specific text? DNS-SD is a convention for how to name and use DNS records. Every security consideration that applies to a client using DNS queries and updates would apply to a client following the conventions in this document.

Right now we have updated the document to say this:

   Since DNS-SD is just a naming and usage convention for records in
   the existing DNS system, it has no specific additional security
   requirements over and above those that already apply to DNS queries
   and DNS updates.

   For DNS queries, DNSSEC [RFC 2535] should be used where the
   authenticity of information is important.

   For DNS updates, secure updates [RFC 3007] should generally be
   used to control which clients have permission to update DNS records.

18. IANA Considerations

   IMPORTANT NOTE: Once draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports is published, most
   of this IANA Considerations section can be deleted.

.. I don't quite understand how draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports relates here and
more specific descriptions would be useful.

Because draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports documents how to register service names with IANA.

.. Is this doc expected to be published before draft-ietf-tsvwg- iana-ports? It's not a normative reference, and if you want to wait for that to complete, it should be recorded as normative.

Normative Reference added.

   Some developers have expressed concern that publicly registering
   their service names (and port numbers today) with IANA before a
product ships may give away clues about that product to competitors.
   For this reason, IANA should consider allowing service name
   applications to remain secret for some period of time, much as US
   patent applications remain secret for two years after the date of

.. How is this protected with current dns-sd.org maintenance regime? Unless you make an NDA with the party you're exposing your patent secrets to, you're considered to have been made information public. So creating a new kind of secret registration doesn't seem to cut it. Just register when you're ready
to register?

We have deleted this section.


 - IANA considerations does not explicitly mention 'DNS-SD profile'
   referred to in S 6 (though you can work out what you mean).

Can you suggest some specific text?

For this reason, a special meta-query is defined. A DNS query for PTR
   records with the name "_services._dns-sd._udp.<Domain>"

.. in the DNS-SD profiles or IANA considerations, you do not define these
special strings that should not be registered.

The "_dns-sd" string is already in the list at <http://www.dns-sd.org/ ServiceTypes.html> and will be migrated to IANA as per draft-ietf- tsvwg-iana-ports.

Similarly, what would happen if someone named their Application instance '_sub'

Nothing bad would happen.

'_printer._sub' ?

Application protocol names are not allowed to contain dots.

16. IPv6 Considerations

   IPv6 has no significant differences, except that the address of the
   SRV record's target host is given by the appropriate IPv6 "AAAA"
   address records instead of (or in addition to) IPv4 "A" records.

.. well it's not obvious if you count it significant or not, but the
reverses IP entries are under a different tree and longer. This comes up
e.g. with _dns-sd discovery of browsing domains (S 12).

We have updated the document to say:

   IPv6 has only minor differences.

   The address of the SRV record's target host is given by the
   appropriate IPv6 "AAAA" address records instead of (or in addition
   to) IPv4 "A" records.

   Address-based Domain Enumeration queries are performed using names
   under the IPv6 reverse-mapping tree, which is different to the IPv4
   reverse-mapping tree and has longer names in it.

Stuart Cheshire <chesh...@apple.com>
* Wizard Without Portfolio, Apple Inc.
* www.stuartcheshire.org

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