On 02/21/2011 12:20, John C Klensin wrote:
> Perhaps I'm the only member of the community who cares any more.

Nope, I'll give a +1 to that as well.

I don't have anything intelligent to say about either RFP, but I'm more
concerned about the fact that the IAOC thought that releasing them
without wider community review was something that the community would
accept and/or tolerate. I first grew concerned about this with the
"network registration" donnybrook at the China IETF. I didn't speak up
then because I wasn't there, didn't know the details, and figured that
based on the response from both the community and the IAOC that it was a
lesson learned.

For future reference, erring on the side of more communication with the
community is probably the right way to go, regardless of how
inconvenient it may be.


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