On 2011-03-02 01:29, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 01:18:12PM +0100, Shane Kerr wrote:
>> FWIW, this came up in the dnsext working group a few years ago. In the
>> end, I don't think anything was done, which is kind of a shame. 
> Nothing was done for want of workers ;-) We concluded there was no
> real room in official IETF channels for such a publication, 

I have asserted for some years that the "Applicability Statement"
subset of the standards track, defined in RFC 2026, could perfectly well
be used for explaining how a group of RFCs fit together. There have
been various proposals for more specific methods than that which haven't
caught on, but the real problem has already been mentioned:

>>> Nothing was done for want of workers ;-)

It is a lot of work. I've done it for IETF process RFCs and even that
was a lot of work:


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