On 4/14/2011 9:51 AM, Bob Hinden wrote:
My concern is that this proposed change would likely make the IAOC work
worse.   That is, I think it would have a negative impact on the operations of
> the IETF and that is why I am concerned.


That is a concrete and basic assertion. Please put some flesh on its bones so that the basis for your view can be understood better.

The implication is that the people sitting in the positions of IAB Chair and IETF Chair are essential to the good operation of the IAOC/Trust. Someone else from their groups or even someone else that they appoint from outside cannot perform the task of IAOC/Trust member adequately.


What are the specific contributions (insights and skills) that these roles regularly perform, in the conduct of the IAOC/Trust that cannot be performed adequately by others?


ps. Reminder: I've just joined the IAOC/Trust, which means I've attended a few meetings and seen some operation. As always, my comments have nothing to do with the individuals; this is about organizational design.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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