I believe the current text in the draft reflects the discussion from 2007 at

To summarize, while we think there may be implementations that interpret a 
change of session-id as a session reset,
RFC3264 doesn't support the notion. The top-level assumption of 3264 is that 
there is one SDP session associated
with a SIP dialog. (See in particular:

The thread explores places where some folks would like to things to be 
different, but those
things will need normative updates, probably to more than one RFC.

I believe the text in the draft is consistent with what our current specs say.

For the normative updates we would need to make for this particular topic, I 
restarting the debate on the RAI list (with pointers to SIPCORE and MMUSIC) is 
the right thing to do.

On Apr 26, 2011, at 8:37 AM, Elwell, John wrote:

> I know last call finished already, but the following has just been brought to 
> my attention:
> In section 5.2.5
> "Changing the o-line,
>      except version number value, during the session is an error case.
>      The behavior when receiving such a non-compliant offer/answer SDP
>      body is implementation dependent. "
> I would content this is NOT an error situation, or at least not an error in 
> the case where a NEW session is being signalled.
> Consider a 3PCC situation along the lines described in section 7 of RFC 3725. 
> The controlling B2BUA converts a session between UA A and UA B into a session 
> between UA B and UA C. Prior to this conversion, UA B has received UA A's SDP 
> (SDP A). As a result of the conversion, UA B receives UA C's SDP (SDP C).
> SDP C is likely to be completely different from SDP A. Therefore just a 
> change of version number in the o-line is insufficient and would probably 
> violate RFC 3264. In particular, if SDP A has 2 m-lines and SDP C has only 
> one m-line, the change from 2 m-lines to 1 m-line is not permitted according 
> to RFC 3264. So although RFC 3725 talks about the controlling B2BUA adjusting 
> version numbers, that is insufficient in some cases.
> The text of 5.2.5 then goes on to say:
> "The behavior when receiving such a non-compliant offer/answer SDP
>      body is implementation dependent."
> It is not clear what this fails to comply with. I can find nothing in RFC 
> 3264 that stops you sending a new o-line if there is a new session. Yes, it 
> would be non-compliant if only modifying an existing session, but how does 
> the recipient know whether or not it is a new session, and therefore whether 
> or not it is valid?
> It then goes on to recommend use of Replaces in this situation (i.e. change 
> of session):
> "If a UA needs to negotiate a
>      'new' SDP session, it should use the INVITE/Replaces method."
> But Replaces is not feasible if the UA concerned does not support it (and 
> hence "should", presumably). So there will still be cases where a controlling 
> B2BUA is forced to change the o-line (not just the version) in order to 
> comply with RFC 3264.
> So there needs to be a mechanism for changing to a 'new' session without 
> relying on Replaces. As far as I can see, there is no standards track RFC 
> that forbids changing the o-line to achieve this, so this new Informational 
> draft should not attempt to make that change, and in particular should not do 
> so without proposing an alternative solution.
> A simple fix would be to delete the entire bullet beginning "In the o-line, 
> only the version number may change".
> John
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