I have a "Business service" from my ISP too. They told me that somewhere in 
2012 they would look into IPv6.
So I have threatened to move to another provider. But we do not have much 
choice in NL at the moment
I believe. Although I have to re-checked recently.


On 6/10/11 3:04 PM, Thomas Nadeau wrote:
        Sadly this is more common than it should be these days. I've been begging 
Fairpoint for IPv6 for the past 3 years, from which people in NH/VT/ME now have been 
subjected to as Verizon sold off FIOS/dsl in those areas to them a while back. I have 
"business" service from them with static IPs and the whole 9 yards, and they 
still insist that I am mad when I call to ask for IPv6 siting the same reasons you are 
being given.


I just called my ISP to ask about availability of IPv6 at my home.

Me:  "I'm a current customer, and I'm just calling to ask if you support Internet 
Protocol Version 6."

First person: "Yes, we do support Internet.  We support DSL at 3 megabits and 6 

Me: "I understand that, but I'm asking about Internet Protocol version 6, IPv6.  The 
Internet has been using IP version 4 since the early 1980s, but that's running out.  IPv6 
is the new version."

First person: "Let me transfer you to support."

Second person: "Hi, this is support.  How may I help you?"

Me: "I'm a current customer, and I'm just calling to ask if you support Internet 
Protocol Version 6."

Second person: "IP version what?"

Me: "Internet protocol version 6".

Second person: "I have no idea.  Let me transfer you to someone else."

(places me on hold for 15 minutes)

Second person: "I'm sorry for the wait time.  I've been trying to find the answer to 
your question, but nobody here seems to know anything about it.  We're trying to get in 
touch with people who run the network to ask them.   Can I get your number and call you 

Granted, this is just one ISP.  The other ISP that offers service in my area 
put me on hold for an hour and a half *before anyone ever talked to me* when I 
tried to get a quote from them, so I concluded that they wouldn't be a good 
choice.  And these guys have been good about support in general.  They seem to 
know their stuff, which is more than I can say for some ISPs I've dealt with in 
the past.

I live in a well-settled urban area, three miles from the center of the city 
(and sadly, four miles from my CO, which means my DSL circuit gets around 
380kbits/sec).  It's not a backwater, there's plenty of lit fiber running 
through town.  But when the support people for a fairly well-established telco 
haven't even heard of IPv6, it's hard to believe that it's going to be 
available anytime soon.

Meanwhile, 6to4 continues to work just fine for me.

So please explain again why it isn't premature to discourage a valuable 
transition mechanism?


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