On 6/18/2011 8:31 AM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:08:52AM -0000, John Levine wrote:
>> By train: there are four trains a day from Montreal to Quebec.
>> Although there is a train station in Dorval, close to the airport, it
>> doesn't have any through trains to Quebec so it's easier to go
>> downtown.
> Note that if you plan to use Via Rail, you should treat the train
> timetables as rough guidelines rather than something on which to rely.
> The train usually does not run exactly on time, although the
> timetables might be close enough for IETF arrival purposes.  But
> worse, there are occasional equipment failures that make things fail
> in big ways.  Via runs on tracks shared with (and owned by) the
> freight lines, so if Via has an equipment failure that causes them a
> delay, they can miss a window completely.  I have arrived over 4 hours
> late on a trip that should not have taken 4 hours total.

Sounds like air travel in China ;-)


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