Vancouver is pretty expensive in summer. Can be twice the rate of November.  

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 20, 2011, at 21:49, Henk Uijterwaal <> wrote:

> On 21/06/2011 03:24, Randall Gellens wrote:
>> At 3:55 AM +0200 6/20/11, Henk Uijterwaal wrote:
>>> May I point out that there has been a survey on the topic and the community
>>> expressed a clear preference for Quebec over other Canadian cities, knowing
>>> that travel would be longer and the number of cheap alternative hotels
>>> smaller.
>> My recollection, which of course could easily be flawed, is that the survey 
>> did
>> not make clear that travel is significantly more difficult to Quebec than 
>> other
>> Canadian cities, nor that hotels are more expensive.  My recollection is that
>> after the survey there was much discussion of this issue, with a number of
>> people pointing out a number of fairly important problems with the survey.  
>> Off
>> the top of my head, in addition to not mentioning the travel issue, also
>> included lumping together into "this group" or "that group" cities which are
>> very different in terms of travel connection, venue suitability, cost, etc.
> I checked and the survey said that the advantage of Vancouver (the alternative
> for Quebec) was that travel to Vancouver was a lot easier than to Quebec.
> At the time when the survey was taken, Quebec had the advantage that there was
> a much wider range of alternative/cheaper hotels available than in Vancouver
> within reasonable distance of the meeting venue.
> Of course, room rates outside the host hotel are not under the control of the
> IETF and can change in the 2 years between fixing the location and the actual
> meeting.
> Henk
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk(at)
>                                          Phone: +31.6.55861746
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> There appears to have been a collective retreat from reality that day.
>                                 (John Glanfield, on an engineering project)
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