On 06/24/2011 04:35, Keith Moore wrote:
I often get the impression that dissenters are dismissed as "in the rough" and 
that their opinions, no matter how well expressed, are given less weight than those who 
are in favor.

One could also consider the idea that due to the very human tendency towards confirmation bias that those who dissent often view that dissenting opinion as both more important and more popular than a more objective observer would.

One of the reasons that I believe this document actually does achieve at least rough consensus is that in the course of the WG discussion something was achieved that at least in my experience is quite rare in the IETF, some people actually changed their opinions as a result of the discussion. To me that indicates that the concepts discussed were carefully considered (the concerns raised in the IETF LC being a subset of those discussed in the WG) and ultimately the right decision was reached. Of course, it could also be argued that I'm suffering from confirmation bias since I agree with the decisions reached, as far as they go.




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