Added more on the distribution list regards  Samir Srivastava

On 7/12/11, Samir Srivastava <> wrote:
> Hi, Readers use information given in this message at thier own risk.
> Author cannot be held responsible for damages/consequences caused.
> Refer Search for patents
> by me. Work has potential to impact security consideration of IETF
> docs.  Awarding a prize is in the sole discretion of awarding
> organization.Yet nobel peace prize to US President not clear. He was
> awarded it for diplomacy within a year after becoming President. I
> sent slide set on cashless economy to khosla ventures in 2007. When I
> posted on on nov-28-10, president went on
> surprise trip to Afganistan. I suspect it is used for someting else
> also. Due to various reasons referred work is not able to draw
> attention from media and governments. I request parties mentioned on
> email to clarify doubts on public forum. I request IETEers to review
> it. BTW outstanding work of nobel winners is well known in advance.
> Due to unavoidable situations I cannot submit draft.  Regards  Samir
> Srivastava
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