In message <>, "Roy T. Fielding" 
> On Jul 21, 2011, at 10:52 AM, I=F1aki Baz Castillo wrote:
> > 2011/7/21 Dave Cridland <>:
> >> It's proven impossible, despite effort, to retrofit SRV onto HTTP; there=
>  is
> >> no way it'll be possible to retrofit onto WS.
> > =
> > Right. If WS borns with no SRV (as a MUST for WS clients) then just
> > forget it and let inherit all the ugly limitations from HTTP protocol.
> I am tired of this.  SRV is not used for HTTP because SRV adds latency
> to the initial request for no useful purpose whatsoever.

How do you solve the problem of hosting just "";
on "" and not redirect everything else at  People have been complaining about this for about as
long as the web has existed.

> SRV records for
> XMPP and MX records for mail are useful because there is only one such
> server expected per domain and it is *very* desirable to maintain central
> control over that routing.  In contrast, HTTP is deployed in an anarchic
> manner in which there are often several HTTP servers per machine
> (e.g., tests, staging, production, CUPS, etc,).  AFAICT, WebSockets is
> even more anarchic than HTTP -- it will have to be, given that the sane
> network admins will block it by default.
> In short, SRV is not used by the Web because it is inappropriate for HTTP.
> I have seen no reason to believe that it would be appropriate for WebSocket=
> s.
> If you want SRV to be part of the proposed standard, then you have to convi=
> nce
> the people implementing WS to use SRV.  None have done so, yet, so we can't
> expect the editor to add it to the spec just because you have an opinion.
> ....Roy
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