On 2011-07-28 12:51, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
> So, you arguing that all DISCUSSes by ADs are indeed justified and necessary.

No. I said exactly the opposite: "Sometimes there are inappropriate DISCUSSes
and those need to be pointed out when they happen."

> It is great to hear that our leadership 

They are not our leadership; they are members of our community performing
a service role for the rest of us.

> is completely unbiased with regard to technology, 

I didn't say that; they are human.

> does not follow their own (or a company) agenda, 

I didn't say that. In my experience this is pretty rare in IESG discussions,
compared to the blatant company position-pushing I have often seen in
WG discussions. But again, they are human. That's why part of the NomCom's
job is balancing the membership as much as possible.

> misjudge their expertise in a certain area, 

I didn't say that; they are human.

> showed long delays in responding, 

I didn't say that; they are human.

> etc. 
> As a document author I remember a couple of cases where certain ADs showed 
> "interesting" behavior. 

So do I. But your name is on 44 RFCs - a couple of cases is not really 

> As Jari said at the plenary it is difficult to talk about this topic without 
> going into specific cases but on the other hand we don't want to upset 
> individuals either. 
> Hence, the story is difficult.  
> My suggestion: Talk to the Nomcom if you think that certain ADs treated you 
> in an unfair way. 

Absolutely agreed. The NomCom needs an overview of this.


> Ciao
> Hannes
> On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> Responding to Glen Zorn's question in plenary:
>> Firstly, not all ADs review all drafts - that's why you will see
>> numerous "no objection" or missing ballot responses.
>> Secondly, the drafts are de facto reviewed by review teams
>> these days (gen-art, security area, etc.). This serves to alert
>> the ADs if a draft really needs careful review. The workload is
>> more reasonable than it used to be.
>> Thirdly, when I was in the IESG, I was surprised quite often by
>> *glaring* errors that had not been picked up before. Somebody has
>> to be responsible for catching these, and today it's the IESG.
>> Fourthly, because of the exact same discussion that Glen raised in
>> plenary, the IESG defined and published its criteria for DISCUSS
>> several years ago. Sometimes there are inappropriate DISCUSSes
>> and those need to be pointed out when they happen.
>> I hear the IESG members responding exactly right to this question.
>> -- 
>> Regards
>>   Brian Carpenter
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