
I generally support this proposal, but have some questions on Section 2.3, 
"Transition to a Standards Track with Two Maturity Levels".  I am both an 
author of several Draft Standards and have chaired working groups that have 
produced them.

>    Any protocol or service that is currently at the abandoned Draft
>    Standard maturity level will retain that classification, absent
>    explicit actions.  Two possible actions are available:
>    (1) A Draft Standard may be reclassified as an Internet Standard as
>        soon as the criteria in Section 2.2 are satisfied.

What is the process for this?  Is the IESG going to review all Draft Standards. 
 Should authors and/or working groups propose a change of status as defined in 
the document?  Something else?  Most draft standards very likely meet most of 
the requirements listed in the document for Internet Standard.

>    (2) At any time after two years from the approval of this document as
>        a BCP, the IESG may choose to reclassify any Draft Standard
>        document as Proposed Standard.

I think this is unfair to the people who have done considerable work to get a 
document to Draft Standard.  I hope that the IESG would only do this after 
giving a lot of notice to the authors, appropriate working groups, and the IETF 
community to give them the opportunity to request advancement to Internet 

I think this Section of the document needs to provide additional detail on how 
this should work.


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