--On Monday, August 01, 2011 16:38 -0500 Adam Roach
<a...@nostrum.com> wrote:

> I'd like to join the sparse voices in speaking out against
> this plan. By Friday, I'm pretty well on a local meal
> schedule. Pushing lunch back by 2 hours would pretty well on
> guarantee that I'd be sugar-crashed and less coherent than
> normal by the end of Session II.


I've noticed that lots of people (myself often included) are
often sufficiently wasted by Friday morning to be largely
disfunctional (certainly "less coherent than normal").   I'm
prepared to believe that pushing back lunch would make it even
worse for some people, but it may be that the best solution to
that problem is a better breakfast or snacks that can be brought
into the meeting rooms (or eaten during a _very_ short break as
distinct from 90 minutes of lunch break).

With at least some facilities, getting finished earlier would
also reduce costs; I assume I'm not the only one who would like
to see that go straight to the registration fees.

So I think this is a good idea if it is feasible... even though
my preference would be to go back to ending at noon (or 11:30 or
earlier) on Friday by getting more efficient about how we use
time earlier in the week and more selective about who and what
gets time at all.


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