On 8/4/2011 6:47 AM, John C Klensin wrote:
This should be mandatory in IDs.
But there are circumstances in which the appropriate mailing
list is not known at the time of posting and others in which
permission to use an obvious mailing list requires pre-approval
that might significantly delay posting of a draft.

What we don't need, IMO, is more rules,

Make the rule a SHOULD.  That allows exceptions.

When issuing an I-D, there needs to be a clear, affirmative obligation to help readers participate in discussion about the draft.

I suggested a requirement like this quite a few years ago and arguments similar to John's were invoked to kill it.

Based on how rare discussion venue citation remain, it's time to make the matter more explicit and formal.



  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf mailing list

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