Can you give an example of where a dangling SHOULD makes sense?  Most often I 
see something like:
        SHOULD implement security
        SHOULD implement security, unless you do not feel like it or are in an 
authoritarian regime that bans security

On Aug 30, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Keith Moore wrote:

> On Aug 30, 2011, at 12:06 PM, Marc Petit-Huguenin wrote:
>> The meaning of SHOULD is clear for the authors (it "mean[s] that there may 
>> exist
>> valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but 
>> the
>> full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a
>> different course."), the problem is that some implementers use a different
>> meaning (I do not have to implement this if it is inconvenient or difficult 
>> for
>> me to implement), vendors another one (SHOULD gave us the right to not 
>> implement
>> it).  I even read somewhere, perhaps on this list, about a vendor that 
>> rejected
>> any bug report against a SHOULD.  Conditional MUST, in my opinion, does not 
>> have
>> this problem.
> But conditional MUST has other problems, namely that you have to enumerate 
> the exceptions for the MUST, and that's not always practical.
> Implementors who think that SHOULD gives them a free pass to avoid 
> implementing something that's needed to interoperate are misreading 2119.  
> But document editors should avoid using SHOULD for cases where failure to 
> implement the requirement will result in interoperability failure.
> I could see maybe posting an erratum or a brief update to 2119, but I think 
> that reopening that document in general is a Very bad Idea.  And for existing 
> documents that misuse SHOULD, the appropriate thing to do is to update those 
> documents or post errata to those documents, rather than try to retroactively 
> change the meaning of the keywords in those documents.
> Keith
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