thanks Spencer for pointing this part out.

On Aug 31, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Spencer Dawkins wrote:

>  IESG reviews should be considered as a review of "last resort".  Most
>  documents reviewed by the IESG are produced and reviewed in the
>  context of IETF working groups.  In those cases, the IESG cannot
>  overrule working group consensus without good reason; informed
>  community consensus should prevail.

The idea that WG consensus should prevail is simply incorrect.  It biases IESG 
in an inappropriate way.

There are a number of very good reasons for overriding WG consensus, e.g.

- there is no evidence of broad community consensus or a clear lack of broad 
community consensus
- the document does not meet the criteria specified in 2026 (or other document 
when applicable)
- the document is ambiguous in such a way that it is likely to degrade 

The WG DOES NOT represent the entire community.    Far too often, WGs are 
deliberately chartered in such a way as to marginalize parts of the community


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