On 8/31/2011 3:14 PM, Keith Moore wrote:
On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Hector wrote:

RFC2119 is not unclear on this point.
Correct again, it is not unclear.  It says it very clear.  I don't know why you 
wish to ignore Tony's I-D reinforcing this concept and optional implementation:

   SHOULD, RECOMMENDED:  The words "ought", "encouraged" and "suggest
         strongly" can be used to connote something that is strongly

When the text in 2119 is already clearly written, but people fail to read it, I 
don't understand why adding more text in yet another document is likely to 
improve understanding.   Adding additional text and documents inherently 
increases the burden on readers.

context check. The purview of the non2119-nonkeywords doc is to suggest wording to use when *NOT* in the 2119 context.

Perhaps the paragraph in the non2119-nonkeywords docs should read:

*instead* of "SHOULD" or "RECOMMENDED": The words "ought", "encouraged" and "suggest
        strongly" can be used to connote something that is strongly

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