> -----Original Message-----
> From: ietf-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Joel 
> jaeggli
> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 10:18 AM
> To: Keith Moore
> Cc: hector; ietf@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: Wikis for RFCs
> One of the assumptions here is that discussion without editorial
> discretion can add color to static informaion. While the case for that
> can certainly be made, we have abundant evidence of it not doing so in
> the context of ietf mailing lists.

I think I agree that a wiki page for every RFC is too chaotic an idea to be 
workable.  The lists are noisy enough already.

It seems to me that if we want the capability to write down and then publish 
some observations about protocol implementation including problems with the 
specs or operational considerations, the implementation reports space is 
perfect for this.  They're already required when things advance from PS to DS, 
but there's nothing I've seen that says particularly useful information can't 
be written up and recorded through the same means.  If and when the advancement 
day comes for that protocol, the information can then be put to good use.

The only question is whether or not they can be updated once published.  I 
suppose we'd need a mechanism for that.  Currently that's the IESG, and I 
imagine that's not something that should stand for very long.  Maybe we could 
use Expert Review to create or update them, except in cases where the 
implementation report is part of a standards track advancement effort in which 
case it has to be the IESG.

Failing that: Have we already thrown out the idea of an Informational or BCP 
publication when there's sufficient collected wisdom about a protocol to write 
down some observations?  I think I'd rather read something that has a chance of 
having garnered consensus and review rather than something that's potentially 
tainted by the last person to click "Submit" on a wiki page.


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