> On 9/19/11 10:14 AM, Alejandro Acosta wrote:
> I think that if some people support the idea, they can easily create a
> wiki somewhere (e.g., "specsannotated.com") and get to work. 

On Sep 16, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> Wikipedia is about the only example of working volunteer moderation, and even 
> then, there are cabals that supported by the paid management. Few, if any, of 
> the unmanaged wiki sites have long-lasting value.

Is there any reason we can't create this on wikipedia itself, e.g.:


We can make use of all the wikipedia governance mechanisms.  It would be 
independent of the IETF, but it would be a well-known place to go for 
somewhat-moderated explication of the nuances of important RFC's.  -- Nathaniel
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