Updating the subject line to address a separate question that was raised:

FWIW, it's 1 MB of data in a 3.8 MB XML file.

I suspect that the delay is because it may be generated on-the-fly, but haven't been able to confirm that. It may just be network transfer delay.


On 10/10/2011 2:23 AM, t.petch wrote:
---- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Reschke"<julian.resc...@gmx.de>
To: "t.petch"<daedu...@btconnect.com>
Cc: "Frank Ellermann"<hmdmhdfmhdjmzdtjmzdtzktdkzt...@gmail.com>;<ietf@
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 3:07 PM

On a thread on this list some time ago, IANA reported progress in converting
their web site to XML and at the same time, apologised for how long it now takes
to access the Port Registry.  Having accessed it - a good chance to complete The
Times crossword! - I found an XML file in excess of 1Mbyte on my workstation.
Making a wild leap of imagination, I guessed that the time it took to access the
web page was due, at least in part, to these multi-megagbytes of XML, but I
could be wrong.

Tom Petch
Ietf mailing list

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