
On 10/20/2011 8:23 PM, John C Klensin wrote:
More important, I see nothing in BCP 101 that
says that the IAOC does not need to expose draft RFPs to
community review just because they do not, e.g., require code to
be written.

Please forgive my limited reading comprehension, but I could not find any reference to RFPs in BCP 101 at all. More broadly, I could not find any details that specify what /is/ or is /not/ required to be cycled through community review and approval or when.

The implication of your above statement appears to be that there is a requirement for explicit BCP 101 permission /not/ to get community review and that, absent that, there is a default requirement that /all/ decision-making by the IAOC must have community review and approval, prior to the decision-making. Since that is patently impractical, I suspect you do not intend that requirement.

And therein lies the core difficulty with your original note and the similar ones before it: You appear to have a private version of highly detailed specification for IAOC policies and procedures and are holding the IAOC accountable for following it. What you claim as natural, obvious and exclusive interpretations of BCP 101 are actually subject to highly variable -- and equally reasonable -- alternatives. Hence, neither the IAOC nor the rest of the community can accurately predict what is in your private specification.

As the new guy on the IAOC block, I am trying quite hard to understand how things are done and, as usual, often wonder how they might be done differently. So far, I've seen the IAOC pay quite a bit of attention to /practical/ transparency. That is, balancing that goal with the pragmatics of getting work done, especially amongst a collection a volunteers.

The consistent certitude underlying the tone of your criticisms suggests strongly that you hold very different details for assessing the IAOC than are visible to the rest of us.

It would therefore be extremely helpful for you to thoroughly document those details and then to obtain IETF consensus for them.

Perhaps that could even result in your no longer having to post criticisms that are so painful for you.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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