On 27 Oct 2011, at 12:03, Richard Kulawiec wrote:

> I support this concept, although I would go much further and
> eliminate ALL face-to-face meetings.

I absolutely wouldn't.

> Travel (for meetings) is expensive, time-consuming, energy-inefficient,
> and increasingly difficult.

Your assertions above are all true, but that does not mean that people should 
be denied the opportunity to meet.

Being mostly social animals, I believe it's essential that we *do* get to 
actually meet our IETF colleagues.

Do not underestimate how important it is to actually establish a rapport with 
other people, and that can really only be achieved face-to-face.  This is 
simple psychology.  You simply can't get to know people and work with them 
effectively if all they are is faceless email accounts or a voice on a crowded 
conf call.

I've met loads of people at my four years of IETF, and many of those I now 
consider friends.  I know what their competences are, and I know which ones I 
trust and distrust.  You just don't get that from remote participation.


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