On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 08:52:20PM +0000, Yaakov Stein wrote:
> ASCII is already unreadable on many popular devices
> and in a few years will be no better than old versions of word.
> I am referring to the fact that more and more people are reading
> documents on cell-phones and other small devices.
> According to analysts, this will be the most popular platform for reading
> material from the Internet within a few years.
> The ASCII art used in RFCs becomes hopelessly mangled and unreadable,
> while the rest of the text is merely hard to read.
> On the other hand, were the figures to be in any format that
> preserves their integrity, one would see a small depiction that
> could be enlarged as necessary.

If you can pan and scan a complex PDF file, you can pan and scan ASCII
art.  Furthermore, ASCII text has the benefit that you can much more
easily reflow the text portions of the document.  If I only had a
small screen device, and I had my choice between an unreflowable PDF
file, and a sufficiently smart ASCII reader that would allow me to
switch back and forth between reflowed ASCII text, and a "pan and
scan" mode for ASCII art, the ASCII document would be ***far*** more
readable on a small screen than the aforementioned PDF document.

                                        - Ted

> So I suggest removing ASCII from the list,
> as ASCII art will not be readable on mainstream devices in the near future.
> Y(J)S
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