
On 2011-11-29 07:20, Henrik Levkowetz wrote:
> Hi,
> I just came across this (very long) thread started by Brian's post, 

I apologise to everybody. I should know better by now than to mention
anything to do with document format on this list.

> and since
> (as Robinson Tryon mentioned in a post already) libreoffice can convert
> both .ppt and .pptx to .pdf, I've now set up the tools servers to convert
> any .ppt and .pptx to .pdf as soon as they see them.
> This means that .pdf versions of powerpoint slides in the future should be
> available at the tools servers a little while (less than an hour) after 
> upload.

Superb. We don't deserve you, Henrik. Thankyou.


> You'll find them linked in to the WG agenda pages, see for instance this page
>   http://tools.ietf.org/wg/abfab/agenda
> where the abfab-3.pdf and abfab-4.pdf were originally submitted as .pptx
> I've set the converter ('unoconv', which uses libreoffice) up to convert to
> PDF/A, but the converter doesn't always fully succeed in producing valid PDF/A
> (also mentioned by Robinson in one of his posts) -- the result still works 
> fine
> in the viewer I've tested, though.
> Best regards,
>       Henrik
> On 2011-11-15 03:24 Brian E Carpenter said:
>> Please can everybody who doesn't upload PDF to the meeting materials page
>> at least take care to upload PPT instead of PPTX?
>> Not everybody has paid the ransom necessary to open PPTX files.
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