On 11/29/2011 07:28, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> Doug,
> I did not refer to your message. The only two responses to the October 10 
> Last Call regarding draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request-09 were:
> - 
> https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=60292&tid=1322579909
> - 
> https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=59923&tid=1322579994
> The message that you reference below, as well as many other messages,  were 
> in response to a an August 19 Last call regarding 
> draft-weil-shared-transition-space-request-03. Many of the problems pointed 
> out in that last call were addressed between versions 03 and 09 of the 
> document. However, many were not. Therefore, I summarized what I believed to 
> be the outstanding issues in the message that I posted last night.

Thanks for clarifying. My concern was that my message may have fallen
into the category, "offered many editorial comments, but almost no
rationale for blocking the draft once the editorial comments are
addressed." Now I see that you were looking at a completely different
last call. Silly me.

> If I missed any outstanding issues, please add to the list.

My issue remains simple. This is a bad idea. It will still be a bad idea
no matter how it's dressed up.




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