Hi Huub and authors of draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-point,

Thanks for issuing a publication request and supplying the Secretariat with a
write-up. The document is entered in the datatracker and you can see its status
at http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-point/

You suggested me as the sponsoring AD, so I will do the first steps to see how
we should progress the draft.

My process is from here on is as follows:

- Review draft and shepherd write-up
- Ask any questions and request a draft update if necessary
- Consult the MPLS WG chairs and IESG about whether this needs
   to be run through the MPLS WG and whether RFC 4929 applies
- Issue IETF last call if applicable

Please note that I am travelling for the next two weeks at the ITU-T SG15
meeting, so my ability to process this work will be reduced: I also have to
continue to do normal AD work-load, and the output of IETF working groups takes
precedence over AD sponsored documents.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ietf-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Huub
> helvoort
> Sent: 01 December 2011 21:17
> To: Adrian Farrel
> Cc: draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-po...@tools.ietf.org; The IESG; Ietf@ietf.org
> Subject: Request to publish draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-point-01.txt
> Document Writeup for draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-point-01.txt
> As required by RFC-to-be draft-iesg-sponsoring-guidelines, this is the
> current template for the Document Shepherd Write-Up for individual
> submissions via the IESG.
> Changes are expected over time. This version is dated February 5, 2007.
> --
>   (1.a) Who is the Document Shepherd for this document? Has the
>         Document Shepherd personally reviewed this version of the
>         document and, in particular, does he or she believe this
>         version is ready for forwarding to the IESG for publication?
> Huub van Helvoort (huub.van.helvo...@huawei.com)
> Yes, I have reviewed the document and I believe it is ready for
> forwarding to the IESG to be published.
>   (1.b) Has the document had adequate review both from key members of
>         the interested community and others? Does the Document Shepherd
>         have any concerns about the depth or breadth of the reviews that
>         have been performed?
> The document was first posted on 16th October; no discussion has taken
> place on any email lists.  However, this draft is addressing a well know
> issue that was first brought to the attention of the IETF in a request
> from the director of the ITU-T in June 2010 requesting the assignment of
> an ACh code point that would be used to run Ethernet based OAM on
> MPLS-TP networks.  The draft requests IANA to assign a code point from
> the registry of Pseudowire Associated Channel Types.  It does not make
> any proposals to modify the MPLS data plane forwarding behaviour or of
> the any IETF defined protocols.  Therefore, review by the MPLS WG is not
> required.
>   (1.c) Does the Document Shepherd have concerns that the document
>         needs more review from a particular or broader perspective,
>         e.g., security, operational complexity, someone familiar
>         with AAA, internationalization or XML?
> No. The purpose of the document is clear and the scope is limited to the
> assignment of a code point for (restricted) use by the ITU-T.
>   (1.d) Does the Document Shepherd have any specific concerns or
>         issues with this document that the Responsible Area Director
>         and/or the IESG should be aware of? For example, perhaps he or
>         she is uncomfortable with certain parts of the document, or has
>         concerns whether there really is a need for it. In any event, if
>         the interested community has discussed those issues and has
>         indicated that it still wishes to advance the document, detail
>         those concerns here.
> The issue of supporting an alternative set of OAM mechanisms for MPLS-TP
> based on Ethernet OAM has been widely discussed without reaching any
> firm conclusion.  Note that more than 350,000 nodes have now been
> deployed with Ethernet based OAM using a code point from the
> experimental range.
>   (1.e) How solid is the consensus of the interested community behind
>         this document? Does it represent the strong concurrence of a few
>         individuals, with others being silent, or does the interested
>         community as a whole understand and agree with it?
> This draft is requesting the assignment of an ACh code point that will
> be used to run Ethernet based OAM on MPLS-TP networks.  This protocol
> has been defined in the ITU-T and should not be considered to be a MPLS
> protocol and therefore should not subject to the provisions of RFC 4929.
>  This request is supported by a significant number of network operators.
> However, discussion on the IETF list during the last call of
> draft-sprecher-mpls-tp-oam-considerations indicates that other do not
> support the view that aa alternative Ethernet based OAM mechanism is
> required.
>   (1.f) Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme
>         discontent? If so, please summarise the areas of conflict in
>         separate email messages to the Responsible Area Director. (It
>         should be in a separate email because this questionnaire is
>         entered into the ID Tracker.)
> None indicated, however see the discussion on the IETF list during the
> last call of draft-sprecher-mpls-tp-oam-considerations.
>   (1.g) Has the Document Shepherd personally verified that the
>         document satisfies all ID nits? (See the Internet-Drafts
>         Checklist <http://www.ietf.org/id-info/checklist.html>
>         and http://tools.ietf.org/tools/idnits/). Boilerplate checks
>         are not enough; this check needs to be thorough. Has the
>         document met all formal review criteria it needs to, such
>         as the MIB Doctor, media type and URI type reviews?
> No ID_nits found; the draft does not define a MIB or any protocols.
>   (1.h) Has the document split its references into normative and
>         informative? Are there normative references to documents that
>         are not ready for advancement or are otherwise in an unclear
>         state? If such normative references exist, what is the strategy
>         for their completion? Are there normative references that are
>         downward references, as described in [RFC3967]? If so, list
>         these downward references to support the Area Director in the
>         Last Call procedure for them [RFC3967].
> The split is appropriate; the only normative references are to published
> RFCs without any downwards references.
>   (1.i) Has the Document Shepherd verified that the document IANA
>         consideration section exists and is consistent with the body of
>         the document? If the document specifies protocol extensions, are
>         reservations requested in appropriate IANA registries? Are the
>         IANA registries clearly identified? If the document creates a
>         new registry, does it define the proposed initial contents of
>         the registry and an allocation procedure for future
>         registrations? Does it suggested a reasonable name for the new
>         registry? See [I-D.narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis]. If
>         the document describes an Expert Review process has Shepherd
>         conferred with the Responsible Area Director so that the IESG
>         can appoint the needed Expert during the IESG Evaluation?
> The IANA consideration section exists and is consistent.
>   (1.j) Has the Document Shepherd verified that sections of the
>         document that are written in a formal language, such as XML
>         code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, etc., validate correctly in
>         an automated checker?
> There are no sections that use formal language.
>   (1.k) The IESG approval announcement includes a Document
>         Announcement Write-Up. Please provide such a Document
>         Announcement Writeup? Recent examples can be found in the
>         "Action" announcements for approved documents. The approval
>         announcement contains the following sections:
>     Technical Summary
>         Relevant content can frequently be found in the abstract and/or
>         introduction of the document. If not, this may be an
>         indication that there are deficiencies in the abstract or
>         introduction.
> This document assigns an Associated Channel Type code point for carrying
> Ethernet based Operations, Administration, and Management messages in
> the MPLS Generic Associated Channel (G-ACh).
>     Working Group Summary
>         Was there anything in the discussion in the interested
>         community that is worth noting? For example, was there
>         controversy about particular points or were there decisions
>         where the consensus was particularly rough? Was the document
>         considered in any WG, and if so, why was it not adopted as a
>         work item there?
> This document is an individual submission via AD sponsorship aiming to
> gain IETF consensus. It is not the product of a working group.
> This document assigns an Associated Channel Type code point for carrying
> Ethernet based Operations, Administration, and Management messages in
> the MPLS Generic Associated Channel (G-ACh).  These OAM messages will be
> used as an alternative mechanism to support OAM functions in a MPLS-TP
> network.  To date more than 350,000 nodes have been deployed using this
> mechanism using a code point from the experimental range.
> This document does not contain technical details of OAM for MPLS-TP
> networks, and does not make any comment on the judgement of the working
> groups in their technical decisions. The document is concerned with the
> wider issue of IETF policy and process.
> It is the opinion of the document shepherd that discussion of this
> document on the working group lists would be a distraction from the
> technical protocol work that the working groups need to do.
>     Document Quality
>         Are there existing implementations of the protocol? Have a
>         significant number of vendors indicated their plan to implement
>         the specification? Are there any reviewers that merit special
>         mention as having done a thorough review, e.g., one that
>         resulted in important changes or a conclusion that the document
>         had no substantive issues? If there was a MIB Doctor, Media
>         Type or other expert review, what was its course (briefly)? In
>         the case of a Media Type review, on what date was the request
>         posted?
> The Ethernet based OAM protocol that will run behind this code point has
> been implemented by at least four vendors and more than 350,000 nodes
> have been deployed.  Multi-vendor inter-operability test have been
> completed successfully.  The draft does not specify a MIB or provides
> any protocol details.
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