SM <> wrote:
> At 21:49 21-12-2011, Lixia Zhang wrote:
>> since when did IETF last call start soliciting *company* support?
>> I had thought the rule says that we all participate as individuals.
> The rule is overruled by ISBN 9780876094815. :-)

   SM has a weird sense of humor. ;^)

   Surprisingly, a Google search on "ISBN 9780876094815" actually turns
up something arguably appropriate:

"Internet Governance in an Age of Cyber Insecurity"
by Robert K. Knake
published by Council on Foreign Relations

   It is available for free download from (55 pages).

   Brief skimming shows it to be much what I would expect from CFR
(not worth my time to read carefully), and not attempting to change
actual IETF process, though perhaps I missed something...

John Leslie <>
Ietf mailing list

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