On 1/23/12 11:31 AM, Barry Leiba wrote:
>> The IESG has received a request from the Web Authorization Protocol WG
>> (oauth) to consider the following document:
>> - 'The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol'
>>  <draft-ietf-oauth-v2-23.txt> as a Proposed Standard
> There are some downrefs in this document that need to be called out in
> the Last Call notice, which weren't.
> * There is a normative reference to RFC 1750, which will be updated to
> point to RFC 4086 before publication.
> * There is a normative reference to RFC 2246 (TLS 1.0), which has been
> obsoleted by RFC 4346 (TLS 1.1).  The document uses this reference to
> note that TLS 1.0 is, at this writing, the most widely deployed
> version.  The working group believes it is necessary to note that, and
> that the reference be normative.
> * There is a normative reference to Informational RFC 2818 (HTTP over TLS).
> * There is a normative reference to Informational RFC 4627
> (application/json Media Type).

The last two are already in the downref registry:



Peter Saint-Andre

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