On 14/01/2012, at 6:59 AM, Stephen Hanna wrote:

> I do have a question about the issues raised in Appendix B.
> These are all legitimate issues. However, it seems to me
> that having status code 511 should help with these. A
> browser or non-browser application could recognize status
> code 511 as an indication that a captive portal is in use
> and avoid capturing favicons, looking for P3P files, and
> doing other things that should wait until after the captive
> portal is blocking access. When the original website stops
> returning 511, such activities could resume. I may be wrong
> in suggesting these ideas but if not it would be good to
> note them here.

I've added a note linking the issues to 511 more explicitly. Thanks,

Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

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