Hi all, 
  Several people had asked for a summary of the Nomcom
selections, and the composition of the I* bodies after the
selected persons assume office. Here they are.

IESG Selection Summary and Composition

The Nomcom selected the following persons to serve as Area
Directors in the open IESG positions:

APP: Barry Leiba
INT: Brian Haberman
OPS: Benoit Claise
RAI: Gonzalo Camarillo
RTG: Stewart Bryant
SEC: Sean Turner
TSV: Martin Stiemerling

The complete composition of the IESG after these persons
assume their duties will be:

APP: Pete Resnick, Barry Leiba
GEN: Russ Housley
INT: Ralph Droms, Brian Haberman
OPS: Ronald Bonica, Benoit Claise
RAI: Robert Sparks, Gonzalo Camarillo
RTG: Adrian Farrel, Stewart Bryant
SEC: Stephen Farrell, Sean Turner
TSV: Wesley Eddy, Martin Stiemerling

Liaison and Ex-officio Members:

Bernard Aboba - IAB Chair
Joel Halpern - IAB Liaison
Alexa Morris - IETF Executive Director
Michelle Cotton - IANA Liaison
Sandy Ginoza - RFC Editor Liaison

IAB Selection Summary and Composition

The Nomcom selected the following persons to serve in the
open IAB positions:

Bernard Aboba
Jari Arkko
Marc Blanchet
Ross Callon
Spencer Dawkins
Hannes Tschofenig

The complete composition of the IAB after these persons
assume their duties will be:

Bernard Aboba
Jari Arkko
Marc Blanchet
Ross Callon
Alissa Cooper
Spencer Dawkins
Joel Halpern
Russ Housley
David Kessens
Danny McPherson
Jon Peterson
Dave Thaler
Hannes Tschofenig

Liaison and Ex-officio Members:

Mary Barnes - IAB Executive Director
Lars Eggert - IRTF Chair
Sean Turner - Liaison from the IESG
Heather Flanagan - Liaison from the RFC Editor, RSE
Mat Ford - Liaison from ISOC

IAB Executive Assistant:
Cindy Morgan

IAOC Selection Summary and Composition

The Nomcom selected Marshall Eubanks to serve in the open
IAOC position.

The complete composition of the IAOC after he assumes his
duties will be:

Bernard Aboba - IAB Chair (ex officio)
Eric Burger - appointed by the ISOC Board of Trustees
Dave Crocker - appointed by Nomcom
Marshall Eubanks - appointed by Nomcom
Bob Hinden (IAOC Chair) - appointed by the IAB
Russ Housley - IETF Chair (ex officio)
Ole Jacobsen - appointed by the IESG
Ray Pelletier - IETF Administrative Director (non-voting)
Lynn St.Amour - ISOC President/CEO (ex officio)

Suresh Krishnan
Chair, NomCom 2011-2012

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