Brian E Carpenter wrote:

> I'm sorry, but *any* coexistence between RFC791-IPv4-only hosts and
> hosts that are numbered out of an address space greater than 32 bits
> requires some form of address sharing,


> address mapping, and translation.

Not at all.

Realm Specific IP [RFC3102] is such an example without any
mapping nor translations. Abstract of the RFC states:

   This document examines the general framework of Realm Specific IP
   (RSIP).  RSIP is intended as a alternative to NAT in which the end-
   to-end integrity of packets is maintained.  We focus on
   implementation issues, deployment scenarios, and interaction with
   other layer-three protocols.

> It doesn't matter what choice we made back in 1994. Once you get to the
> point where you've run out of 32 bit addresses and not every node can
> support>32 bit addresses, you have the problem.

The only problem is that some people misinterpret it that
we had needed IPv6.

                                                Masataka Ohta
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