On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> The bottom line for this ID is that address space will be required for CGN,
> and rfc1918 doesn't cut it for reasons described in the ID.  This means
> that the address space must come from somewhere else.  The choices are:
> 1. one or more shared pools allocated by RIRs/IANA/whatever
> 2. private pools, each of which come from the carriers' own address blocks

3. private pools, independently chosen by ISPs using some method from allocated 
space (aka squat space).

> option #1 is by definition more efficient than #2.

and option #1 is safer than option #3.

> There is no particular reason to allocate this space on a regional basis,

I'd say it would be silly to do so -- what would be the point?

> Incidentally, I support this draft.

One implication of draft-weil not being accepted is that it will likely 
accelerate IPv4 free pool exhaustion as the folks interested in draft-weil will 
simply go out and get blocks from their RIRs while they still can.  I will 
admit a small part of me finds this appealing as it would end the seemingly 
interminable rearrangement of deck chairs on the IPv4 address policy-wonk 


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