On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 08:49:22AM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:

> Take SPF as a example.  If providers had supported UNKNOWN format
> then the SPF generation tools would have done UNKNOWN + SPF type
> specific rather than TXT + SPF.

My father used to have a saying: "If Johnny hadn't died, they wouldn't
have buried him."  Counterfactuals in engineering are just not that

But anyway, providers (I am employed by one, FWIW) are not going to
blindly support UNKNOWN on the input side.  That's just an invitation
to behaviour we don't understand and therefore cannot price
correctly.  More importantly, any plan that involves UNKNOWN types
also automatically comes with unknown support costs.  We will be
forced to provide customer support for types we don't even know exist,
and that will necessarily lead to unhappy customers.

A plan something like the one John Levine has proposed is the only
viable one, in my view.



Andrew Sullivan
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